stay caffeinated with subscriptions
stay caffeinated with subscriptions
April 28, 2023 6 min read
What's in your cup? Coffee, duh. Ok, but what else...what comes outof our beans and into our drink. Is it all tasty? We have some answers for you. And we are going to make it as digestible as possible.
Let's start with the our knight in shining armor - the number one thing most of us are all searching for when brewing our cup. Yep, you guessed it. CAFFEINE. So, that's one thing in our cup. You might say, "flavor" or "the color brown" and you would be correct. But what extract-ly is it?
Your cup is mostly water with a collection of all of the parts of a bean that are soluble. The maximum solubility of a coffee bean is roughly 28-32%. The rest (approximately 68-72%%) is the mass that never disappears because it isn't dissolvable in water (read: the grounds you throw away or compost with). The part that winds up in your cup is some cumulative percentage of the maximum solubility; we can refer to this as the extraction yield percentage. We look at this percentage as an average for the entire brew, understanding that each ground particle will interact with water and extract differently!
the bitters
the (sour) acids
the sweets
solute + solvent = solution
During the brew process, all of the compounds left after roasting that are soluble (the solutes) will extract in water (the universal solvent) at different rates due to the contact time, temperature, and facet in which they interact. What you are left with post-combo is a solution. Usually, the solution to my daily migraine 😉heh heh heh *insert your laughter here*
Uncovering the buried treasure:
First, you have to grind the coffee. When the beans are whole, it makes water have to work REALLY hard to penetrate the 70% non-dissolvable matter to get to the soluble stuffs. The finer you grind, the more access water has to this content.
The catch is that the sizes of the individual particles need to be consistent so that you have an even extraction AND the water needs to be able to completely and evenly saturate each section of your coffee bed. A little easier said than done.
Imagine water passing over sand in a bucket. Slow right? A lot of contact time? Now, imagine that one side of that sand bed is really compact and dense - all of the water would flow through an area with lower resistance or with pockets of air and then part of the sand might not even get fully wet! Imagine, alternatively, that in this bucket there are also giant pebbles. Water would flow around those rapidly, with very little contact! That doesn't sound very even, right? This, my friends, is a huge factor in considering why your coffee might taste off.
What's a good extraction?
Balance, balance, balance. And balance is what we look for in evenness.An evenly extracted and balanced coffee tastes smooth, nuanced, rich. It has pleasant acidity and a long finish that makes you want to take another sip.
We mostly decide by taste. Cause taste RULES. And you will adjust multiple variables accordingly, all lending to either more extraction, less extraction, or balanced extraction. As a general concept, imagine that the roaster bagged a coffee that had the flavor of *lemons* - keep this in mind as you continue reading.
Acids extract first. They're molecularly light and make up around 18% of the soluble content. They taste grassy, vegetal, sour, salty, and present a flat, quick finish when making up the majority of a cup. Think lemon juice mixed with salt. We can't appreciate the floral and citrusy flavor of the roast, because the taste is overpowering.
With more extraction, the heavier compounds come out. Perceivable sweetness and smooth tastes become present around 18-22% extraction. The compounds and dilution taking place create balance to the acids. Think lemonade. The flavor is now highlighted in its best format.
With too much extraction, usually over 22-24%, that taste becomes unbalanced again. Drying, hollow, ashy, bitter. Like someone put a cigarette in your lemonade. BUERK.
How does it happen?
Depends on the brew method, for one. The brew method will influence how coarse or fine you can grind, how quickly you can brew, and how much coffee or water you can prepare. It will determine the amount of energy applied to the slurry of coffee and water.
It depends on the water temperature, as certain compounds are released in higher temps. It depends on your water quality. It depends on the roast degree, coffee quality, and coffee age. It depends on the quality of your equipment, your preparation and technique, and much more. We can dive into that on another day!
For advanced and dedicated cafes/roasters.
For the at-home enthusiast or barista
Coffee is complex, for sure. And it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the variables that influence your brewing experience; especially if you're just now diving into the depths of da brew. No worries, practice is key. And, at least, you have good coffee to get you started :)
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